Information’s about Change log Company _____________ Change log Version 2.57 [04/2023] - UPDATE: If data file exist in destination folder, it will be move with counter. - FIX: Insert Function for ExcelClassic selection - FIX: Minor fix - UPDATE: yAdvData.dll V2.56.4 - FIX SmartDac Audit Trail Insert funktion - UPDATE: AdvRptExcelFkt.dll V3.11.0 - FIX SmartDac Audit Trail Insert funktion Version 2.56 [04/2023] - UPDATE: yAdvData.dll V2.55.2 - FIX Alarm Status Version 2.55 [01/2023] - FIX: CSV Channel selection - UPDATE: Documentation Version 2.54.4 [12/2022] - [AdvancedReportSVC 2.28] UPDATE: Service application CPU load improvment - UPDATE: yAdvData.dll V2.54 - Timestamp for GX/GP/GM files Version 2.54.3 [11/2022] - [AdvancedReportSVC 2.27] UPDATE: Service application CPU load improvment Version 2.54.2 [11/2022] - UPDATE: yAdvData.dll V2.56.0 - FIX SmartDac Msec timestamp Version 2.54 [11/2022] - UPDATE: yAdvData.dll V2.55.1 - FIX DEMO Modus Version 2.53 [11/2022] - UPDATE: yAdvData.dll V2.54 - Timestamp for GX/GP/GM files - UPDATE: yAdvData.dll V2.54 - corrected DX data conversion - [AdvancedReportSVC 2.26] UPDATE: Eventlog Message Version 2.52 [08/2022] - IMPROVE: (GX/DXAdvanced/DX) CSV file conversion speed Version 2.51 [08/2022] - UPDATE: yAdvData.dll - IMPROVE: CSV file conversion speed Version 2.50 [07/2022] - ADD: /ERRORLOG parmaeter for create fast Error Log. - ADD: User Right settings for Win11 support. - FIX: DX recorder file handling - FIX: moving file function - UPDATE: yAdvData GX Convertion Timezone calculation - UPDATE: yAdvData Error Handling Version 2.49 [07/2022] - FIX: SERVICE: Empty Eventlog message correted - FIX: SERVICE: Subfolder Handling checked and corrected. Version 2.49 [03/2022] - ADD: function to check write access to c:\ProgramData\AdvancedReportV2\ - FIX: insert License Number function - IMPROVE: Setup routine Excel Add Installation - UPDATE: Update Service Control Software AdvancedSVCCtrl2 - UPDATE: some integrated dlls Version 2.48 [01/2022] - FIX: SmartDAC GX/GP: Measuerent data integration - Update some integrated dlls Version 2.47 [09/2020] - ADD: DXAdvanced: Log file data are implemented - ADD: SERVICE Mode: Indexing, will be check files only last X hour. So, not each old and older files are checking, if report is already created. - ADD: SERVICE: Check, if is the data file already in use. eg. ftp transfer transfer is not finished. Version 2.44 [02/2020] - Fix: Error if no Excel Cell comment is available - Fix: Excel Template creator: Function "ClearCell" - Fix: remove File transfer subfolder with filename Version 2.43 [02/2020] - Fix: Run as Service fix Version 2.42 [12/2020] - Update: Log file implmentation and some DLLs Version 2.41 [10/2020] - Update: Save Excel report with first sheet. Version 2.40 [10/2020] - FIX: Event List correct String Version 2.39 [08/2020] - FIX: File Copy function Version 2.38 [07/2020] - ADD: new ExcelTemplate dynamic_Chart_Rev0.xlsx - FIX: File Copy function - FIX: File Move function - FIX: CSV File renaming (*.tmp -> *.csv) Version 2.37 [07/2020] - ADD: Option Button to show detail status information in manual conversion procedure Version 2.36.10 [06/2020] - FIX template Creator: MW100 channel counter - FIX template Creator: data file reading function - FIX template Creator: fix error message, if channelcouter is empty Version 2.36.00 [06/2020] - IMPROVE SmartDac(GX/GP/GM): Improve Timezone calculation Version 2.35.00 [06/2020] - IMPROVE: Channel Name as Excel Placeholder for SmartDAC device (eg CH0101 ; CHC001 ). - IMPROVE: Excel template Creator Addin for a big count of Cell Names Version 2.34.00 [05/2020] - IMPROVE: Question, about report creation if INDEXING is selected. - IMPROVE: Setup routine Version 2.33.00 [05/2020] - UPDATE: Auto Detect Excel 32Bit or 64Bit for template Creator Addin - UPDATE: DLL compile in DotNet 4.0 Version 2.32.00 [02/2020] - Change Error Log structure Version 2.31.00 [01/2020] - UPDATE: Redesign MS Excel integration - UPDATE: EPPlus DLL - IMPROVE: Create Report without installed MS Excel. No Macro & no Print support - ADD Button to start template cretor with active template. - ADD: Easy Tool to disable and enable a report, incl. password protection Version 2.30.00 [12/2019] Excel Addin - NEW: COMPLETE NEW Base function for Excel Template creation. - NEW: Excel Template Addin not start with every Excel Startup. - NEW: It have to be start seperatly from AdvancedReport - NEW: SmartDAC as Default settings - Delete: MS VSTO installation AdvancedReport User Interface - UPDATE: Insert Start Button for Excel Addin template creator. - UPDATE: User Manual - UPDATE: Installation Manual - UPDATE: Setup Routine Version 2.28.71 [11/2019] User Interface: - ADD SmartDac(GX/GP/GM): consider Timezone settings - ADD Project counter - ADD Multi Instance Counter for Service - ADD Service Status Window - ADD Print settings function Windows Service: - ADD Multi Threading for each Project if Service Conversion is use - ADD Multi Instance function for conversion more than one file parallel - FIX DXP Preview of Header data Version 2.27.70 [09/2018] - UPDATE: EPPlus dll update to Version 4.5.3 Version 2.26.70 [09/2018] - FIX: SmartDac(GX/GP/GM): Events adding into Report - FIX: DXAdvanced: Events adding into Report - Improve Service Status Check Version 2.25.69 [07/2018] - FIX: SmartDac(GX/GP/GM): Events adding into Report Version 2.25.68 [06/2018] - FIX TUSReport: Some minor fixes Version 2.25.67 [05/2018] - NEW TUSReport: Change Iconbar - NEW TUSReport: Print to pdf direct - NEW TUSReport: Some small new functions for discovery - FIX TUSReport: Some minor fixes Version 2.25.66 [05/2018] - NEW TUSReport: Increase Info fields to count 60 Version 2.25.65 [05/2018] - NEW: Implmentation of TUSReport as Addin for AdvancedReportV2 Version 2.24.64 [03/2018] - ADD: Protection Excel Report Sheets by Password - ADD: Print Configuration Function - UPDATE: Show serial no if Program not locked - UPDATE: Change settings only if program not locked - UPDATE: Move Service Settings into - UPDATE Documentation - FIX: Change language by program settigns - FIX: Some minor fixes Version 2.23.63 [02/2018] - UPDATE: Remove direct Install/Deinstall Service Button - UPDATE: Service Installation Software with "Username" and "Password" Version 2.22.62 [02/2018] - ADD: SmartDac(GX/GP/GM): Support selective CSV export for Math- and External-Channels - ADD: DXAdvanced: Support selective CSV export for Math- and External-Channels - ADD: DX: Support selective CSV export for Math- and External-Channels Version 2.21.61 [11/2017] - FIX: SmartDac(GX/GP/GM): Correct Timestamp for Daylight Saving Time Version 2.20.60 [09/2017] - ADD Support for SmartDac Recorder Firmware R4.x Version 2.19.59 [08/2017] - UPDATE: Improve daylight saving time for SmartDac GX/GP/GM Recoder - UPDATE: Date / Time Format for DXAdvanced Recorder - UPDATE: Improve Date / Time convertion Function for all Typs of supported Recorder - FIX: Printfunction for DXAdvanced Recorder and DX Recorder Version 2.18.58 [07/2017] - UPDATE: Service improvment for Subfolder Handling - UPDATE: Service Installation improvment Version 2.17.57 [05/2017] - ADD NEW FUNCTION: Create Excel File without installed Excel Instance, check Documentation about the Limitations. - ADD NEW MS Excel FUNCTION: Inserted DateTime formated Values for Measurement Date and Time stamps - UPDATE: Documentation Version 2.16.56 [04/2017] - ADD: Backup and Restore Settings function - UPDATE: Documentation Version 2.16.55 [04/2017] - ADD: MW100 combined file [*.mxc] - UPDATE: Some minore fixes Version 2.15.54 [04/2017] - ADD: Terminate Application in Servcie Mode after x Minutes. - UPDATE: Documentation - UPDATE: Service Exeution Application - UPDATE: Optimice Excel implemtation. Close every Excel instance if AdvancedReport is closed. Version 2.13.52 [03/2017] - UPDATE: Excel API implemtation. Close every Excel instance if AdvancedReport is closed. Version 2.12.51 [03/2017] - FIX: SmartDac: Signature Info selection - FIX: SmartDac: Alarm Info selection Version 2.10.50 [01/2017] - FIX: SmartDac: Signature Info selection - FIX: SmartDac: Alarm Info selection - ADD: Error Log file are added into zip file. Send the complete file via email! - UPDATE: improve error handling routine Version 2.9.47 [01/2017] - UPDATE: Error Counter implmentet in the Service Application, if error count > 10 then the service will be restarted by the software. !!! Need Administative Rights for the running user!!! Version 2.8.46 [10/2016] - UPDATE: If file convertion retuned an Error, it will be repeated 5 times Version 2.7.45 [09/2016] - FIX: index function for a converted file improve - ADD: implment return value for AdancedReportV2.exe - UPDATE: service program improve auto restart - UPDATE: service program implement reading return value Version 2.7.44 [08/2016] - UPDATE: Service Exe updated (Auto-Restart Service after 10 Error Messages) - UPDATE: Service Control program - UPDATE: Error Handling if no RPC server available - UPDATE: Service Documentation Version 2.5.41 [07/2016] - UPDATE: Error Handling routine - UPDATE: Systray Start / Autostart Version 2.5.40 [06/2016] - FIX: Error Handling routine Version 2.5.39 [04/2016] - UPDATE: GX file convertion DLL Version 2.4.38 [02/2016] - UPDATE: Password locking function - UPDATE: DXAdvanced Batch Comment - UPDATE: DXAdvanced Batch Text Version 2.4.35 [01/2016] - UPDATE: Excel Insert Function - FIX: Program Crash if not running with "administrative rights" Version 2.4.34 [11/2015] - UPDATE: [GX/GP/GM] Support for Firmware R3 - FIX: GX Demo Modus: Get No Measurement Values Version 2.3.33 [092015] - FIX: [GX/GP/GM] boolean value as 0/1 Version 2.3.32 [062015] - FIX: [GX/GP] date / time convertion less 1 sec interval Version 2.3.31 [022015] - FIX: Solved crashed by moving files - FIX: [GX/GP] date / time convertion - FIX: Link for documentation Version 2.3.29 [122014] - ADD: [Excel template] Add Excel 2010 implemented PDF printer; save as PDF - ADD: [Excel template] Create path for Excel template - UPDATE: [GX/GP] empty message possible - FIX: [GX/GP] implementation of Channel comment / Channel name - FIX: [GX/GP] file selection. Signature Data are not supported Version 2.3.28 [092014] - UPDATE: [DXAdv] Header Function Details Version 2.3.27 [082014] - ADD: [GX/GP] Support for SmartDAC GX/GP Firmware R2 (/AS1 support coming soon) - FIX: [Multi Project/Batch] Error by adding a new project. - UPDATE: [GX/GP] DLL updated for Firmware R2.x Version 2.2.26 [072014] - FIX: [Multi Project/Batch] Error by adding a new project. Version 2.2.25 [062014] - FIX: [DX100/DX200] Channel selection - FIX: [DX100P/DX200P] Channel selection Version 2.2.23 [052014] - UPDATE: Project setting name Version 2.2.21 [032014] - FIX: [GX] Digital Channel values - FIX: [GX] Date/Time values Version 2.2.20 [022014] - UPDATE: Documentation - UPDATE: Excel Addin for GX/GP SmartDac - UPDATE: Recompile SW AdvancedRptSVC - UPDATE: Error Message Routine Version 2.2.19 [012014] - UPDATE: Delete data files after x days - FIX: [GX] Start time msec. value now correct Version 2.2.18 [012014] - NEW FUNCTION: [FX1000] Support for FX1000 recorder data files - NEW FUNCTION: Delete data files after x days - ADD: Status message for manual conversion window - ADD: What's new form for this info file - UPDATE: translation German & English language - UPDATE: manual - FIX: [DXAdvanced] Event file export format csv - FIX: [DX] Event file export format csv - FIX: [DXP] Event file export format csv Version 2.2.17 [122013] - NEW FUNCTION: [GX/GP] ADD Synchrony Events to the measurement values. - UPDATE [GX/GP] Action Events Version 2.1.16 [122013] - FIX Drag&Drop Function with Excel Addin - ADD Button open Target folder on scan page Version 2.1.15 [122013] - ADD GX/GP support sample rate < 1 second - ADD [csv] Option button to add msec time. - UPDATE [csv] GX/GP support - UPDATE [xls] Message report for VBA Makro >AdvancedReport< - Some minor Fixes Version 2.1.14 [112013] - ADD Filename/Rename part for Recorder Type [$R] - UPDATE Format Date/Time into installed PC Format (eg AM/PM) - UPDATE Exit allowed, if start as Service and Locked - UPDATE DXP Audit Trail read correct messages - FIX File name renaming (minute) - FIX For US Format settings - FIX Events for DXAdvanced - Some minor Fixes Version 2.1.14 [102013] - ADD Excel 2007 Addin Support (separate Setup) - UPDATE AdvencedReportSVC Service Application - IMPROVE Setup Routine to implement Server Application - IMPROVE Error Handling routine - FIX File Moving function with Multi Project Function - FIX DXAdvanced Communication-Channel-Values correct for some file types - FIX DXAdvanced Time Values correct second character - FIX CX Channel-Time correct for some file types Version 2.1.13 [102013] - UPDATE SUPPORT FOR GX SMARTDAC RECORDER ( ) Version 2.1.12 [102013] - ADD SUPPORT FOR GX SMARTDAC RECORDER ( ) - UPDATE Error Handling routine - UPDATE Setup routine. De-Install previous version necessary and Reboot! - UPDATE User manual - UPDATE NT-Service Routine Version 2.0.11 [062013] - UPDATE English Manuel - UPDATE Language file - UPDATE Service implementation - IMPROVE Excel Add-In - FIX DX200PDX100P support - Some minor Fixes Version 2.0.10 [052013] - UPDATE Language file Version 2.0.9 [052013] - UPDATE Excel Add-In improve Version 2.0.7 [022013] - FIX MW100 MX100 Date Time - FIX CX2000CX1000 handling - Some minor Fixes - Error handling update - speed update Version 2.0 [072012] - Final Version _____________ Created 2012-2020 Description report Yokogawa Recorder files into user defined file format Name AdvancedReportV2 Company Yokogawa Deutschland GmbH Broichhof Strasse 7-11 D-40880 Ratingen Germany Phone +49-2102-4983-0 Web Author Dipl. Ing. M. van Cleve